Cabbage Tree Club

We welcome all members and hope you enjoy the opportunity to support the development of Burnside Rugby Club's Junior and Senior rugby teams as well as enjoying some great camaraderie.

For just $120 you will enjoy a BRFC non-playing social membership and invitation to our celebrated CTC events and functions.  Please note our subs have increased by $20 to include a building levy which will be used to help with the costs incurred with our earthquake strengthening work. 

If you would like to beat the rush and pay your 2024 subs, that would be wonderful.  These can be paid online to Westpac 03 1702 0362190 000 or dropped in to Kerry in the office.  If you would like to pre-pay your raffles, please add $40 to your membership payment and we will make sure you are in the club raffle!

Club Day is on the 15th June where we host Sydenham RFC..

For more information contact:

Greg Clapp    Ph 0275 500 032 / E: 

Grant Milner   Ph 0275 569 900 / E:

HOT TIP - Download the CRFU Rugby App for easy access to the rugby draw!