Cancellation Process.

If Touch is cancelled then I will send out a Cancellation Newsletter, put it onto the Burnside RFC website & on the club Facebook page

This will be done by 4.45pm on the day. If nothing is sent out, then Touch is still on.

Teams that register after the Saturday 28th September will not appear in the draw until round 2 on 9th & 10th October.

​​​​​​​WELCOME BACK TO TOUCH 2024/25

The Module start dates are Wed 2nd Oct & Thu 3rd Oct through to Wed 11th Dec & Thu 12th Dec

There is no touch on Wed 13th & Thu 14th Nov due to it being Cant Anniversary Weekend 

Post Xmas dates are Wed 22nd Jan & Thu 23rd Jan through to Wed 5th Mar & Thu 6th Mar 2025

  1. Enter your Team
  2. One person from each team must register as the Team Manager on the Registration link in order to administer the remainder of the player registrations. The remainder can register as players.
  3. Go to and complete the Team Entry form for the night you want to enter as a player & team member as the team manager see the link below. 
  4. When the form has been completed, click Submit.
  5. A user access email (different for new or existing users) and a confirmation email will be
    sent to the contact email entered on the Team Entry form. This email includes a link to
    view and manage your team at any time.
    4. From the Thank you screen, click View and manage your team to open your team or
    click Copy link to copy a direct link to the team for people to register.
  6. View and manage your team
    Click View and manage your team from the Thank you screen, otherwise access your team
    through either of the two options below.
  7. Login to your modules Sporty site with the user details received in the user access email
    when you entered your team.
  8. To login, click Admin Login at the bottom of the page, enter your login details and click
    Dashboard on the top left. Then click the TeamBuilder tile.
  9. Click View and manage team from the confirmation email.
  10. When players begin registering to your team, they will be automatically populated.

Payment. Registration Fee $600:00 payable to Burnside RFC Touch via bank deposit or internet banking 020820-0131815-00 Ref: (List your team name, subs payment) subs are to be paid by the 8th Nov. 

The only exception to the above payment dates is if the team manager/captain has contacted the touch administrator, Kerry at and put in place a payment plan.

Please Note: If subs are not paid by the 9th Nov or you have not made arrangements with Kerry for payment then the team will not appear in the draw.

Burnside will play 6-aside touch in all grades and the 7 metre rule as per last season. 

2024/2025 Wednesday Night Grades are: Men Over 40s, Men Over 50s, Men 2, Men 3, Men 4, Mixed 2, Mixed 3, Mixed 4.

2024/2025 Thursday Night Grades are: Men 1, Men 2, Men 3, Mixed 1, Mixed 2 and  Mixed 3.

The rule when playing MIXED COMPETITION is there must be three (3) males on the field the mix of male female is 3 & 3.

Competition Dates. Are as per above. For both Wednesday and Thursday nights pre-xmas there will be two weeks grading followed by a eight week round robin first past the post format.  Teams/grades may be regraded post-xmas and there will be another eight weeks with semi & finals. Game timings are from 6:00pm, 6:35pm & 7:10pm

Referees: The module will do its best to provide a referee to every game.  However if we are unable to provide a referee for your game, then each team will be asked to referee a half game, sign the card and return the signed card to the referees' room.

Payment. Registration Fee $600:00 payable to Burnside RFC Touch via bank deposit or internet banking 020820-0131815-00 Ref: (List your team name, subs payment) subs are to be paid by the 8th Nov. 

The only exception to the above payment dates is if the team manager/captain has contacted the touch administrator, Kerry at and put in place a payment plan.

Please Note: If subs are not paid by the 9th Nov or you have not made arrangements with Kerry for payment then the team will not appear in the draw.

Referee Information for the 2024/2025 Season

  • Payment to experienced referees who have completed NZ Touch Refereeing courses is $35 for refereeing all 3 games on the night
  • Payment to beginning referees is $10 per game or $30 for refereeing all 3 games on the night
  • Complementary refreshments provided each night after the games in the referee's room
  • Referee shirt provided
  • All enquiries to Brent Frew, Rugby Manager, C 0273232757
  • New referees welcome with full training and support provided